Our Committees

Our Committees


FRPT unites academic, clinical and industry leaders in the field of radiotherapy research to deliver a programme full of thought-provoking presentations and engaging discussions. Meet the people behind the Conference:

Note: the following lists are not yet final. Stay tuned as we unveil more esteemed contributors soon!

Organising Committee:

Marie-Catherine Vozenin, Switzerland
Francesco Romano, Italy
Emanuele Scifoni, Italy
Petra Trnkova, Czech Republic
Anna Jelinek Michaelidesova, Czech Republic
Pavel Blaha, Czech Republic
Pavel Vítek, Czech Republic
Katerina Krejbichova, Czech Republic

Scientific Committee:

Albert Koong, USA
Anastasia Velalopoulou, USA
Andreas Schüller, Germany
Anna Subiel, UK
Arthur Lalonde, Canada
Charles Fouillade, France
Charles Limoli, USA
Daria Boscolo, Germany
David Fernandez-Antoran, UK
David Roberge, Canada
Ed Smith, UK
Elke Beyreuther, Germany
Eric Deutsch, France
Fabio Di Martino, Italy
Francesco Cordoni, Italy
Frank Stephan, Germany
George Xiao, China
Haowen Zhang, China
Jan Schuemann, USA
Magdalena Bazalova-Carter, Canada
Manjit Dosanjh, Switzerland
Marianne Koritzinsky, Canada
Michele Kim, USA
Pelagia Tsoutsou, Switzerland
Philip Poortmans, Belgium
Pierre Montay-Gruel, Belgium
Serena Psoroulas, Switzerland
Stefan Bartzsch, Germany
Tamon Kusumoto, Japan
Veljko Grilj, Switzerland
Vincenzo Patera, Italy
Xiaobo Du, China
Yolanda Prezado, France

International Advisory Board:

Anthony Mascia, USA
Arnab Chakravarti, USA
Billy Loo, USA
Brian Pogue, USA
Constantinos Koumenis, USA
Hugo Palmans, Austria
Ioannis Verginadis, USA
James Metz, USA
Jessica Fleming, USA
John Perentesis, USA
Kristoffer Petersson, UK
Lara Barazzuol, Netherlands
Luca Boldrini, Italy
Marco Borghesi, UK
Marco Durante, Germany
Ricky Sharma, USA
Robyn Gartrell, USA
Rudi Labarbe, Belgium
Till Boehlen, Switzerland
Tony Lomax, Switzerland
Vincent Potiron, France

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